The UA/UWA Regional Inservice Center is located in Tom Barnes Hall on the Bryce Campus of The University of Alabama.
Our address is 260 Kilgore Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
Your GPS may not find us with this address yet.
We suggest using these printable directions, the coordinates, or the map link below.
GPS Coordinates: N 33° 13.030, W 087° 32.100
For driving directions via Google Maps, click here.
On this map, if you are using the updated Google Maps, then the Tom Barnes Hall, Home of the Inservice Center, is listed as the destination. Please insert your address as the starting point in the upper left hand corner.
The Google Maps and Waze iOS and Android Apps will find Tom Barnes Hall, but Apple Maps has not yet updated to include our building.
For information on road closures and construction, go to