Alabama Technology in Motion Regional Professional Learning Groups are offered on a yearly basis via an application process. Systems and/or schools may inquire with the ATiM specialist about specific learning groups for their teachers. (Subject to availability of ATiM specialist)

School Librarians
This professional learning group is divided into three groups (Elementary, Secondary, K-12) of librarians. Each group meets four times throughout the school year. With a focus of improving their practice, library/media specialists work interdependently to:
Discover techniques to integrate technology effectively as a library/media specialist.
Create methods to share technology integration strategies with teachers and students.
Discover emerging technology strategies, tools, and resources.
Explore, research, and develop technology integration strategies to use in media centers.
Provide support and encouragement for other LM professionals who want to integrate technology into their library and school.
Master Technology Teachers
Master Technology Teachers (MTTs) are selected for their desire to learn new ways to use technology to enhance teaching and learning. These in-service teachers provide a vital link to the College of Education at UA and the pre-service teachers. In this professional learning group, teachers will:
Discover techniques to integrate technology effectively.
Create technology lesson plans and projects to be used in the classroom.
Observe and discuss technology-integrated lessons taught in actual classrooms.
Provide support and encouragement for other professionals who want to integrate technology into their lessons.
Collaborate on the design, development, and delivery of the Tech Meet Tuscaloosa Mini-Conference.
Integrating Game-Based Learning Initiative
The IGBLI professional learning group is a sustained professional development offering (4 meetings – 2 Fall, 2 Spring) in which teachers learn how to:
Design lessons and/or units around games
Evaluate the educational potential of games
Design your own games
Teach your students to make games

Elementary iPad PLG
In this professional learning group for elementary teachers, participants will interdependently to:
Discover techniques and best practices of effective iPad classroom integration.
Create iPad lesson plans and projects that can be used in the classroom.
Learn iPad-enhanced assessment and PBL strategies.
Observe and discuss iPad lessons taught in actual classrooms.
Secondary iPad PLG
In this professional learning group for secondary teachers, participants will interdependently to:
Discover techniques and best practices of effective iPad classroom integration.
Create iPad lesson plans and projects that can be used in the classroom.
Learn iPad-enhanced assessment and PBL strategies.
Observe and discuss iPad lessons taught in actual classrooms.
Technology in the Elementary Classroom PLG
The Technology in the Elementary Classroom PLG a sustained professional development offering (4 meetings – 2 Fall, 2 Spring) in which K-5 teachers will: