eLearning Alabama Spring 2016 Courses

eLearning Alabama has many online professional learning courses coming up this semester starting with a January mini-semester and then the regular spring schedule beginning in February. See the message from eLearning Alabama director, Tom Dreilinger, below for more details.

As we return to school from our Christmas break, we at eLearning have lots to be thankful for โ€ฆ not the least of which is our 29th semester that begins with 3 short 4-week classes in January and our full complement of 50+ 6-week classes in February โ€ฆ look at our COURSE LISTING webpage for the schedule of classes.

Our 4-week courses earn 20 clock hours while our 6-week courses earn 30 clock hours and begin on January 6th:

Course IDCourse Title
CCTI404College and Career Advising in Middle School
EDU4453Moving into Mobile Learning
EDU4454Creativity in the Mobile Classroom

We have several new classes that you might be interested in beginning February 3rd:

Course IDCourse Title
EDU4462Using Google Drive
EDU4475Tablets and Technology
EDU4481Flipping the Classroom – Resources
EDU6671Understanding the Life of Educational Data

We also have 8 courses in the EDU55xx series and 5 courses in the CCRSxxx series that can earn a PLU with additional work. Please look over our PLU COURSES webpage for details on earning a PLU (our EDU55xx PLU courses have been re-approved by the ACLD with new numbers).
All of our courses are entirely online โ€“ no classes, no meetings, no substitutes. We use Chalkable (STIPD) for registration โ€“ look at our REGISTRATION webpage for details and how to get an account.

Coming soon, we will also have several new shorter 4-week year 2 courses in our CCRS series:

Course IDCourse Title
CCRSELA22ELA K-5 – Speaking and Listening and EQuIP rubric 
CCRSELA23ELA K-5 – Writing, language, and Academic Vocabulary
CCRSELA27ELA 6-12 – Speaking and Listening and EQuIP rubric
CCRSELA28ELA 6-12 -Writing, Language, and Academic Vocabulary 

For more information, contact:

Tom Dreilinger
State Project Director
e-Learning for Educators-Alabama
Technology in Motion, ALSDE