You are Invited to Edcamp Tuscaloosa!
The organizers of Edcamp Tuscaloosa cordially invite all educators in the UA/UWA In-Service Region to the first annual Edcamp Tuscaloosa. Edcamp is a free, participant-driven day of learning – an un-conference where attendees decide what’s on the agenda for the day and all participants have opportunities to share their skills, passions, and knowledge.
Please consider making plans to attend Edcamp Tuscaloosa, which will be held at Rock Quarry Middle School from 8-3:00 on October 18. It’s going to be an amazing day that brings together classroom teachers, students, university faculty, pre-service teachers, administrators, and other members of the community for conversations about teaching and learning. There will also, incidentally, be free breakfast and lunch, door prizes, and other goodies (and cake).
How You Can Participate:
Check out the Edcamp Tuscaloosa website to learn more. Then sign up at the link below, and get ready for a great day of learning with and from colleagues from across town and around the state!