What is Technology in Motion?


Technology in Motion was established as a statewide project in January 2000 to provide technology training for professional personnel in K-12 public schools. The project was designed to enable teachers not yet using technology in their classes to learn basic skills needed to deliver technology-augmented instruction in their classrooms. The project provides funds for the following at each of the state’s eleven Regional In-Service Centers: a full-time technology specialist; laptop computers that can be wirelessly networked; software; training manuals; and funds to support the project.


Technology in Motion operates under the guidance of a statewide project director, Cheri Hayes, (chayes@alsde.edu). The technology specialist in each region works with and through the In-Service Center Director, staff development coordinators, and technology coordinators in that Center’s participating school systems.


There is no charge to participating schools for this program.

The content and format of the training is customized by the Technology in Motion specialist to meet the needs and demands of participating schools. In the first few years of the program, a typical basic TIM programs consisted of 2 days of both direct and self-paced learning. Structure of the training varied based on the particular topics selected and the needs of the teachers. TiM training sessions continue to meet the needs of schools and teachers through professional learning groups, planning period training series, in-service day trainings, and summer regional trainings.

In cases where the school has an available lab, the technology specialist provides the training using the school’s technology.

Technology in Motion can bring training to your school and provide all the necessary equipment under the following conditions:

Appropriate space/tables to accommodate the laptops

Direct access to the Internet in the training room

A maximum of 12 teachers per session

A scheduled follow-up to the initial training


Teacher In-Service Days

Block Prep Periods

Summer Sessions

Technology in Motion State Site

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