Powerful Learning Network (PLN)

The Powerful Learning Network (PLN)-West is a regional network of the Alabama Best Practices Center. School teams, including at least one administrator and groups of teachers, and/or district leader teams are exposed to effective teaching practices and receive opportunities to network with colleagues around the region. The 2024-2025 guiding text is School Culture Rewired by Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker. PLN West meets four times per year.  Administrators receive an ACLD-approved PLU for full participation; teachers receive clock hour credit in PowerSchool Professional Learning. In addition, the networks qualify for 30 clock hours of credit for principals and assistant principals towards the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System. Contact Dr. Holly Morgan at hgmorgan@ua.edu for more information regarding registration.

More information can be found at https://aplusala.org/best-practices-center/powerful-learning-network/.

Powerful Learning Network

For the 2024-2025 school year, our Powerful Learning Network will continue to build on the learning from past years while also addressing the most  pressing needs of our members. Based on member input, we will combine new learning from our focus text as well as explore additional research aplusala.org